Ayurveda for strengthening memory


Memory function is vital for everyday existence – when your mind functions in an optimal manner, you are able to develop a keen sense of awareness, attention, and focus. When an individual experiences problems in memory recollection, he/she encounters a sense of heaviness, along with disjointed, incoherent thoughts. Most memory problems can be linked to the Kapha dosha, wherein images, experiences, and feelings are captured and retained in the tarpaka, a sub-dosha of Kapha. This tissue nourishes and protects the brain cells, along with other nerve tissues. The stagnation of Kapha results in brain sluggishness, while an excess could lead to blood coagulation.

In Ayurveda, every individual is provided treatment/dietary advice on the basis of their personal needs and preferences. Generally, a light, cleansing, and sattvic diet will help you enhance perception and strengthen memory. In order to attain Kapha balance, incorporate loads of fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, legumes, and ghee into your diet.

Apart from this, you can adopt the following:

Add vegetables, such as carrots and beets to your diet, as they help strengthen the positive aspects of your pitta, and promote good memory.

Incorporate fresh, raw juices made with fruits and vegetables to aid robust blood circulation and nourish the brain.

Limit an excessive intake of refined sugars and carbohydrates, as these food elements hold the ability to ‘short-circuit’ the brain.

Limit alcohol consumption, as alcohol can damage brain tissue, particularly the frontal lobes that are responsible for everyday functions, such as problem-solving, reasoning, planning, short-term memory, and emotional regulation.

Need to Limit the intake of caffeine. While tea/coffee acts as a stimulant, they can also aggravate the vata and pitta doshas and cause thoughts to race tangentially from one point to the next. This can also cause short and erratic attention spans.

Limit the intake of heavy foods, such as aged cheese, red meat, and deep-fried snacks, as they can lead to Kapha stagnation and inhibit proper brain function.

Cook food with warm spices, such as black pepper and turmeric in order to boost memory function.

Ayurveda diet benefits:

Ayurveda also emphasises on the benefits of intermittent fasting in order to cleanse the body of toxins. Fasting can also help improve digestive processes and strengthen the central nervous system, hence nourishing the brain. The body’s energy, in effort to cleanse and detoxify, redirected inward. During the fasting period ample rest must be taken. If you plan to fast for an extended period of time, keep track of your energy levels. In case of a dramatic decrease in energy, accompanied by weakness or dizziness, put an end to the fast immediately and seek advice from a medical professional.

In order to boost brain function and memory, you can also massage your scalp with an Ayurvedic hair oil containing Bhringraj. Take a few drops of any organic hair oil and massage into your scalp and roots, leave it on overnight and wash off the next day.

Revitalise your mind and body with the help of an Ayurvedic diet and attain all-round consciousness and awakening!

Ayurveda, is oldest medicines literature in vedas. It is thousands of years old. It is mention in Arthava Veda. The Arthava Veda added to four vedas in 900 BC approximately. The Vedas are the world’s oldest form of literature. Vedas written in Sanskrit, India’s ancient Rishi Muni language. Vedas consists of four literatures Rig VedaYajur VedaSama Veda, and Atharva Veda. These literatures detail practices in rituals, worship, hymns, mantras, and the ways of life.

Ayurveda provides natural ways to strengthening memory with natural herbs.

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